
The Birth of Jesus: A Story of Marriage II

Intricately intertwined with the story of Christ’s birth is the story of marriage. In last year’s edition of our Christmas post, we focused on how God strategically used marriage to protect both Mary and his salvific plan, pointing to how marriage is meant to protect and preserve the lives of those in it. In this…

The Proverbs 31 Husband

It has come to my attention that my recent post on the socials may have caused some disturbance. It is never my intention to mislead or create confusion, so I thought I should clarify a few things. If you haven’t yet seen the post yet, it goes:“Christian women are being taught to be a “Proverbs-31-woman”,…

The Birth of Jesus: A Story of Marriage

We find marriage at the centre of the narrative of Jesus’ birth and it bears a valuable lesson about the protective nature of marriage which, in a way, still applies today. Prophesies concerning the birth of the Messiah only spoke of a virgin being with child (see Isaiah 7:14) but make no mention of her…

Painful Truths about Forgiveness in Marriage

Marriage is a perfect institution created by a perfect God, but the people in marriage are very much imperfect. Just like us, the people we marry can be irresponsible with their words and actions, hurting us in the process. To remain healthy individuals, we need to heal from this hurt, and part of that healing…

When is an African Christian couple actually married?

Conversating with a recently married young lady, she asked me an interesting question, “when is one actually married?” This sounds like a simple question which one could simply answer by stating “after one is declared married by an authoritative figure.” But it is not so simple for Christians in the African context because there exists…

Marriage and Infertility: Lessons from Couples in the Bible

Mother’s Day is looming, and soon after it will be Father’s Day. These days can be difficult for couples who are struggling with infertility. The Bible is not silent about infertility and shares the experiences of many couples who struggled with it. So I thought I’d share a few lessons we can learn from some…

Communication Challenge

This five-day challenge incorporates elements of Roman Jakobson’s communication model as well as elements of Dr. Gary Chapman’s theories on empathetic listening, processing conflict and languages of apologizing. Day 1: Reflection and evaluation Roman Jakobson defines communication as ‘a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding by the sending of a message and receiving feedback from…

Family Involvement & the Festive Season

This time of the year is synonymous with family. Many will close off from work in the city and flock home to the homelands to spend time with family. Even if home is not a thousand kilometers away, we typically spend more time around our families during the festive season than we do throughout the…


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